Tony had his usual grand old time in the bath tonight; throwing, splashing, and getting Mommy as wet as possible. (Mommy has her revenge - she has a camera and a blog! Ha ha ha!!) He is getting a little braver in the walking department. We can now stand him up and, if we get the balance just right, he will stay vertical for a few seconds. He did let go of the furniture and take a couple of steps this week. It's not walking, but it's progress! The latest joy for Short Round has been the discovery of the baking pans under the stove. Bobby doesn't approve, but if I give the kid the cake pans and a wooden spoon I can cook dinner without a little whining lump attached to my leg. Oh, yes, and Tony has perfected a game loved by toddlers the world over: Dump It on The Floor. There are no real skills involved, and absolutely no clean up. You just take anything that has been put away and dump it on the floor!! Tear it! Drool on it! Attempt to eat it! Feed the dog Cheerios until he pukes on it! Then simply walk away until you find something else entirely too tidy for your liking. The toddler always wins in this game, and, of course, who ever is watching the child at the time is the loser.
Hi Ruth,
I am on the MK8 list and love reading all the list members blogs. Enjoy Tony while he is not walking, it gets worse. I have 21 month old twins and they tear up everything in sight. My house can be destroyed in 10 seconds.
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