The kids are growing like little weeds. Tony is constantly cracking us up with his new directness and confidence. He does things like dump Fruit Loops out in the car and then tell me not to pick them up because, "it's for the birds, Mommy," or push me away at the park and say, "Go over there. I swing by myself." Today it was a little too quiet in his room so Bobby went to check on him, and found Tony had set up a mobile office using Daphne's walker and his LaughTop toy computer. So that he could have a "working lunch," he dumped his cup of Goldfish crackers out on the keyboard.

Daphne is baffling me with her ability to grow while I'm not looking. It seems every other day I pick her up at daycare thinking, "that huge baby over there isn't mine. I have a tiny infant!" Wrong! She is getting ready to crawl (we're in Scooting Backward phase right now) and has two bottom teeth. She can sit up when placed that way, and will play sitting up with the Boppy around her. She LOVES Tony, and kicks and laughs every time he comes around. In the mornings on the way to work he sings and she squeals her Velociraptor ear-splitting screams of joy. It is quite a party back there. She loves to laugh and play, and is as good natured and adorable as Tony was at that age. We must be the luckiest parents in the world. (Bobby just looked over my shoulder and did his Lou Gehrig echo as he read. Jackass). Seriously. They don't get cuter than this!

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