Holy Cow! Daphne Sabine is one year old!
Daphne can now walk holding onto my finger, and says mostly gibberish, but something we are sure is "See!" when she notices something. She waves bye-bye and blows kisses when prompted. She is not a fan of strangers, or even not completely familiar people who try to hold her. She is a HUGE fan of high-pitched screaming to indicate happiness, frustration, boredom, pain, tiredness, elation, or you-name-it.
Tony is doing much better at the potty training. He still doesn't go on his own, but has been accident free about six days out of the week for a few weeks now. He amazes me with his curiosity and observance of the things around him. He is very aware of sights and sounds, and has taken to asking me what we are listening to on the radio every time it comes on. We are having some swearing issues this week, but other than that he is gearing up to be a great three-year-old boy.
I am so lucky.
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