And now, Tony as a mouse and Daphne as Princess Leia. These pictures were taken the day after Halloween, which was also the day after Daphne got 4 shots, so she was in a pretty foul mood. Still, she couldn't help but look adorable.
Daphne is scooting all over the house now, showing us just how often we really sweep the floor. Tony is precocious as always. Tuesday, within the course of an hour he had stolen a stick of butter off the counter and run to his room to try to eat it ("I don't like this, Daddy"), smeared the expensive diaper cream on Daphne's floor, and run off again, this time with a bag of shredded cheese. Today the poor little dude has strep throat, so Mommy played hookey with him once again, and he and I went to see Madagascar 2 and eat popcorn. He made me sing "Popcorn Goes the Weasel" on the way there.

"Somebody get this walking carpet out of my way!!!"

If you take a mouse trick-or-treating, he will ask you for his candy. When you give it to him, he will only want more. If you hide his candy, he will find it immediatly and throw a fit to get more. If you tell him he can have more candy if he goes poopoo in the potty, he will still throw himself on the floor and demand candy. But, the mouse will definitely take cute pictures. If you can get him to stand still for 3 seconds.