Little Tony's Blog

Saturday, September 23, 2006

rollin', rollin', rollin'...

Tony is rolling over just about every time you lay him down now. He really wants to crawl, he just needs a little more coordination and strength. It won't be long, though. He has also taken to chewing on everyone's hands (he even tried to stick the doctor's hand in his mouth this morning). We haven't felt any teeth in there yet, or even the threat of any teeth. Here are some of the latest pics from this week.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

When is Christmas break again?

I am desperately missing being home with my little Tony. I have a hectic schedule at school (I sit down for lunch and that's about it) with classes back to back all day. These are pictures from when we were all lazing around on the couches one Saturday morning. They are a couple of weeks old, but cute none the less! Tony now loves to be held up over our heads and wiggled around. He is quite the ham!

We will try to post more pictures on the weekends. Both of us are so exhausted by the time we get home that no one thinks to whip out the camera. We are doing good just to get everything ready for the next day!