Little Tony's Blog

Saturday, November 25, 2006

what I'm thankful for...

I am thankful for my healthy, happy son. I am thankful that he sleeps through the night and can entertain himself happily for about 20 minutes after he wakes up. I am thankful for all of the squeals, giggles, raspberries, and smiles I get from him all day. I am thankful for my helpful and attentive husband, who volunteers for things like diaper changes, 11 P.M. feedings, and holding our crying child, and does so with joy. I am thankful that our little boy has four grandmothers to fuss over him and spoil him every chance they get. Most of all, I am thankful for his presence in our lives. What in the world would I be doing without him?

Saturday, November 18, 2006

a few words from Tony

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Okay... maybe we need to let him learn to type first... or even communicate without crying, giggling or blowing rasberries.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Houston, we have liftoff...

Not only is he now holding his own bottle, but our amazing Tony just crawled for the very first time. He is still wobbly and a little slow, but I have a feeling by the end of the week we'll be chasing him down. It is amazing how quickly he can figure things out. He only started rocking back and forth on his hands and knees on Thursday (it has taken him a while to actually get to that position), and now he is figuring out how to move. He is also able to sit for a few minutes at a time, and in the bath yesterday he discovered that he can reach and play with his feet from this sitting position. This is such an exciting time as a parent; it seems like every day he is doing something new.