The Family Portraits

My mother got us all together for a family photo session. Of course, Tony stole the show every time. The next day (New Year's Eve) turned out to be a little traumatic. We decided to all go out to breakfast, and of course, we all ordered coffee. The waitress set a very full, very hot cup of coffee down right in front of Tony's stroller, and, of course, he pulled it over to investigate. It spilled all over him, burning his left hand. Of course, all of us jumped up and started toweling him off and getting the wet clothes off of him. After a trip to the ER and some nice Tylenol with codine Tony felt much better. His wound is healing very well, and the pediatrician was very impressed with our wound care. He still has a large band-aid over his burn, and we have been cutting the ends off his little newborn sized socks and putting them over the bandages so he can't pick them off. It has worked like a charm (thanks for the tip, Tia Jeanne).
There are other traumatic things happening to Tony, but in a good way! He has two teeny little teeth poking through his bottom gum, right in the middle. This has made him a bit more touchy, but nothing like the horror stories I'd heard from other people. So far, so good.