I know I haven't posted anything in WAY too long... keeping up with Tony and school (and everything else) has made me one exhausted woman! We were so glad for spring break last week. Mom came down for a brief visit, which was perfect timing. Bobby and I are both hoping to move back to San Antonio or Austin, so we spent a lot of time filling out applications and getting our ducks in a row so that can happen. On Thursday we went up to Austin to see our friends. The picture above is our little man Tony all ready for his big trip north. Notice how he has the seat facing forward now like a big boy! He is doing many other grown - up things like eating sliced bananas, crackers, and fruit puffs. Like any other 11 month old, he is a complete mess after dinner and usually requires a clean - up crew.
We are working on the big first birthday bash, which will fall right on Easter weekend. There is, of course, a Star Wars theme, complete with an R2D2 cake and Darth Vadar plates, cups and napkins. The force is strong with this one...