Playtime with friends
Tony has two pals who MUST be with him at bedtime: Eyore and Dumbo. Some mornings he even insists they come with him on his morning diaper change, and sit on the table while he has breakfast. Today Eyore looked hungry, so Tony asked for a spoon and he and Eyore shared what I assume was a delicious imaginary appetizer, as I was busy cooking dinner. He was on the spare bed with his buddy, showing him pictures from his "feet painting" art session at daycare, but has now put Eyore on my lap to type, telling him, "sit down! Sit down!"
Tony says "please" and "thank you," and today insisted that we play "Ring around the Rosy" on the way to the car, even though it was about 30 degrees outside and sleeting. Bobby taught him the twist and a toddler version of the "Hammer" dance. Hilarious. He has also picked up the sarcastic "C'mon!" from somewhere, which he pulls out whenever he thinks we're doing something funny. Never a dull moment with this little one around!