Little Tony's Blog

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Nana Betts and Tony

We have had a couple of rough days. Tony is having some uncomfortable gas, which is interrupting his naps and causing him to not only be annoyed at his tummy, but tired from losing sleep. This means Mommy is losing sleep as well! On the bright side, people like Nana Betts come over to say hello and that makes Tony a happy guy!
Tony is also working on his smile, which has caused quite a bit of excitement in this house. He hasn't exactly smiled at us, but we can tell he is really trying to connect that big grin with the emotion of happiness. When we get one of those toothless smiles on camera, you can bet I'll be running strait to the computer to post it on this blog!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

...and a little more Earl

Learning to play (and more Earl)

Now, I know every mother thinks her child is a genius, but here is my proof. I have full color evidence. Here is little Tony, at just barely eight weeks, focusing on an object and trying to grasp it. Look out Einstein, here comes Tony Garcia!
In other accomplishments, yesterday he napped in the crib without a giant drama and stayed there for the whole two hour nap. He is also sleeping an average of five hours at night, which is a welcome relief to us.
Oh, and a couple of people have commented they liked seeing Earl, so here's a shot of him supervising this playtime by the playpen. We have decided Earl thinks he is "Nana" from Peter Pan (the St. Bernard nursmaid). Lucky for Tony, we do not have the same opinion.

Monday, May 22, 2006

a visit from Tia Jeanne

Tia Jeanne (Mommy's sister) came down to see us this weekend. She had lots of playtime, gave lots of bottles, and changed LOTS of diapers. We are all very grateful when people show up and volunteer to do all of these things.

Friday, May 19, 2006

More with Bobby and Tony

Here are a few more snapshots of Bobby getting in his playtime with Tony after a long day at work. There is more to come soon (maybe even a picture or two of Mommy).

Sunday, May 14, 2006

cool new toy

Uncle Steve and Aunt Angelica sent this cool new swing! Just in time, too, because the garage-sale swing we had before died an untimely death about two weeks ago. This one is a giant improvement! Could it be any cuter? (I think not.)

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Shh! I'm busy growing...

Tony has slept like a little log for a good portion of the morning. This gave me time to put grades into the computer (the one duty I still have as a teacher, even when on leave) , talk to Jeanne, and even prepare and eat a complete lunch undisturbed. What a contrast this is to yesterday, when he spent most of the morning yelling in my ear because of a gassy tummy. My original plan of getting to the grocery store early had to be scrapped, because I did not want to subject all of HEB to his loud complaints.
We think he has hit a growth spurt because he is taking more at every feeding and sleeping a lot more between feedings. So, take a good look at this little tiny baby, because he is changing and growing every day!

Friday, May 05, 2006

I'm a month old!

It is hard to believe it has been a whole month since Tony came into our lives. In a way, it is hard to imagine what in the world we were doing before he came along. Whatever it was, it doesn't seem as important, which means we have fallen head over heels in love with this little guy.
We weighed him earlier this week by putting him on the scale with me and then subtracting my weight and came up with 7.5 pounds. He is growing like a weed! We are starting to see eyebrows growing in very faintly, and his vocabulary of facial expressions is slowly growing. We now have an interested face, a sleepy/satisfied face, hungry/angry, and, of course the "concentration" face (pictured above). This face is usually followed immediately by a diaper change.
Tony is also holding his head up for a few seconds at a time and is working hard at rolling over.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Grandma's first visit

My mom came to visit for the weekend. She was a welcome set of extra arms, and even fed him on Friday night so Bobby and I could catch up on some sleep. Unfortunately, Tonito gave her a run for her money - he refused to sleep between feedings for her like he had started doing for us.